DATA 151, Fall 2023, Lab 05 / Hwk 03-04

Lab 05: Tidy Data

  1. Read in the life expectancy data from
  2. Convert it into a “tidy” data frame.
  3. Answer the following question: what were the top 5 and bottom 5 countries in terms of life expectancy in 2016? In 1951?
  4. Show a table with life expectancies for the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Francy, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden from 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Rows should be years and columns should be countries.
  5. Plot the life expectancy over time for the United States and another country of your choice.

Write an R Markdown file containing (1) the above outputs, (2) all R code used, and (3) explanations for each part of your code.

Homework 03-04: Real Case Study with Synthetic Data

This assignment is really more of a mini-project. As such, it is worth 2 homework assignment grades.

Your homework comes from my real life. I do some work as a freelancer, including for a holding company that owns several smaller manufacturing companies (often called “business units”). These business units all have separate computer systems, so they all generate reports of different formats. It’s my job to parse these different reports, aggregate the data, and show a dashboard that helps executives make decisions.

Obviously I can’t share their real data, but I’ve created some synthetic data that is somewhat similar (and greatly simplified). That Excel file contains 5 sheets. The first 4 simulate output from each company, e.g., sheet “A” contains sales for each day of 2022 for a business unit called “A”. The last sheet, “company_info”, contains some info about each business unit.

Your job is to produce a report for executives of the holding company. At a minimum, your report should contain:

  1. A table showing total sales for each business unit per month. Rows should be months and columns should be business units. Thus you should have 5 columns: 1 for month, 4 for the business units.
  2. An appropriate plot that summarizes the sales data. You decide which plot. There are multiple acceptable plots, but also some inappropriate ones.
  3. A table and plot that summarizes performance of each business unit PER employee. The number of employees can be found in the “company_info” sheet.

Throughout this assignment, you may NOT hard-code any data. For example, you cannot directly type in the number of employees for a business unit. You must read it from the Excel file using R.

Write an R Markdown file containing (1) the items above, plus anything additional you’d like to focus on, (2) all R code used, (3) explanations for each part of your code, and (4) an executive summary providing high-level details and summarization that an executive would be interested in. The executive summary should come first.

After knitting, print out the document and hand it in on Wednesday, October 11, 9:00 AM.


This homework will require you to look up additional packages and functions.