Lab 02: Intro to R and RStudio
(This lab is heavily based on material created by Jenny Smetzer,
William Hopper, Beth Brown, and Albert Y. Kim, with minor
The main instructions for this lab can be found
with the following modifications:
- You’ll use RStudio on your own machines, not RStudio Server.
- It’s optional to create a new folder for your files. If you do, you
can name it something like
instead of introstatsR
- The instructions mention downloading and uploading a toy
dataset. Ignore those steps.
- Any time those instructions mention something happening on the
server, just remember your code is actually executing on your own
laptop, not a server.
- Ignore the “Turning in your work” seciton. Instead, when you have
successfully “knit” your final document, open the HTML file in a
browser, print it out, and hand it in.
- Ignore the “Logging out of the Server” section.