COMP 345, Spring 2023, Project 2

Project 2: Building Your Own Unix Shell

For this project you’ll put the process virtualization knowledge we’ve been learning into practice by creating your own shell. As before, this project is taken directly from our textbook authors, so all the details can be found here.


Put all your code in a single wish.c file. As usual, you’ll compile with gcc, probably something like

gcc -Wall -g -o wish wish.c


After compilation, you should be able to run ./wish to start your shell in interactive mode, at which point you can continuously type in commands and see the output. Or, you can run something like

$ ./wish batch.txt

to specify that your shell should read that file (batch.txt) and execute its commands. See the Github instructions for more details.


Testing is vital – test early and often. You can test manually by running the program several times and verifying the output. The Github repo also includes a tests folder and a test script. I highly recommend setting this up so you can automatically run tests – I will use those tests (and potentially more) to grade your submissions! Come to office hours for some help setting up the script.


Submit using handin on the department server:

$ handin comp345 proj2 wish.c

Due Friday, 02/10 by the start of class