COMP 345, Spring 2023, Project 1

Project 1: Building a Key-Value Store

For this C warmup project you’ll be implementing a key-value store. This project is taken directly from our textbook authors, so all the details can be found here.

One clarification: In the instructions, they note that the value of a put can be “an arbitrary string (without commas in it).” We will assume the value also cannot contain spaces.


The recommended way to compile the program is (note that $ denotes the command prompt):

$ gcc -o kv kv.c

Please read the lab tutorial (linked to from the instructions page) for more details. If you compiled like that you can run it like this:

$ ./kv p,10,hello
$ ./kv g,10


Testing is vital – test early and often. You can test manually by running the program several times and verifying the output. But it’s better to have some automated tests so you can run many tests very quickly, and do so after every change you make. In fact, the philosophy of ‘test-driven development’ states that you should usually write a test first, observe that it fails, and then make a small change to the program to make the test pass. This process is then repeated until the program is complete.

To facilitate your testing, you can use this Python script that I wrote. It runs several tests using Python’s unittest model, launching your program each time (assuming your program is named kv and is in the same directory as the Python script). I only provided a few basic tests; you will want to write your own additional tests.


Submit using handin on the department server:

$ handin comp345 proj1 kv.c

Due Friday, 1/20 by the start of class