Coming soon.
For each project, I expect to see contributions from every team member on GitHub. This can include commits, creating or closing issues or pull requests, comments and discussion, and more.
It is not necessary for each member’s contributions to have the same profile. This course typically includes students of varying programming background. Hence, some students may make more code commits, while other students can focus on writing documentation, creating issues, code review, etc.
As a group, however, I am looking for the following:
Criteria | Excellent (100%) | Good (85%) | Needs Improvement (70%) | Unsatisfactory (50%) |
Commits | Frequent, meaningful commits | Regular commits but | Rare commits. Unclear | Commits are infrequent, |
with clear messages | messages lack detail | messages. | meaningless, or missing | |
Pull Requests | All tasks merved via pull | Most tasks use pull | Minimal use of pull | No pull requests or |
requests with clear | requests; some lack | requests; no meaninful | fails to merge work | |
descriptions and reviews | clarity or reviews | reviews | ||
Issues | Actively uses GitHub issues | Uses issues but some | Few issues created | No meaningful use |
to track tasks, bugs, | tasks are untracked | or used minimally | of GitHub issues | |
user stories, etc. | or disorganized |