To answer the below questions, log on to the department
server. (There is nothing to answer for this question; I will check
the logs on the server to see if you did it.)
The man command is used to get help by reading the manual for a
given command, e.g., man ls. Once you’ve opened a man page, how
do you exit?
Run uname -r on the department server ( Show the
output. Briefly explain what it means (hint: try running man
What is the location of the bash command? Hint: first learn about
the which command.
The ls command is located in /bin/ls. And yet, you can run ls
wherever you are. Briefly describe how the shell locates the ls
command when you type it.
Let’s say I am in the /home/rutterback/comp235 directory. How can
I move “up” to /home/rutterback without having to type out
Consider the command cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor. Describe
what each part of it is doing. Then, run the command and show the
output. What do you think this is telling us about the server?